Getting Started

Sign Up / Sign In

You can sign up with your e-mail address or with your Google, Apple, or Kakao account. Once you’re signed up, you’ll get a free 30-day trial of the Business Plan.

Note: If you don’t upgrade after the free trial, your account will automatically switch to the free Personal Plan, which comes with limited features.

Create a Team

When you sign up, you’ll need to create a Team.

A Team is a shared workspace where you can add items and work with others to manage your inventory. Most businesses stick to one Team, but if you need to keep different items or departments separate, you can set up multiple Teams.

You can change your Team name later, so we recommend starting with your business name.

Add Items

Items are the basic units of inventory you’ll manage in BoxHero.

To start, go to Item List and click the Add Item button to register the items you want to manage.

  • SKU: A unique identifier for your item that is automatically generated. You can input your own SKU, but duplicates aren’t allowed.

  • Item Name: This is a required field for every item.

  • Barcode: If your item doesn’t have a barcode, BoxHero can generate one for you.

  • Attributes: Add custom details like brand, manufacturer, color, size, or anything else you need.

  • Quantity: Set an initial quantity. You can update it later with inventory transactions.

  • Photo: Upload an image for easy identification (max size: 3MB).

You can add multiple items at once using Excel, rather than entering them individually.

Inventory Transactions

Once you have added your items, you can update inventory quantities using the Stock In/Stock Out/Adjust/Move menus.

  • Stock In: Use this when adding inventory.

  • Stock Out: Use this when reducing inventory.

  • Adjust: Use this to modify stock levels for other reasons, like losses or disposals.

  • Move: Use this to transfer items between different locations.

Inventory Transactions

The process for Stock In and Stock Out is the same:

  1. Select a supplier or customer (optional).

  2. Choose the item and enter the quantity.

  3. Click the Stock In or Stock Out button at the bottom to update your inventory.

You can use Excel files or barcode scanning mode to speed things up. Click the Import Excel or Scan Barcode button in the top right to add multiple items or quantities at once.

The Adjust menu works similarly, but you’ll input the new stock quantity directly.

To transfer inventory with the Move menu, select the source and destination locations and choose the items you’d like to move.

View Transactions History

The Transactions menu lets you view all inventory activity, including stock in, stock out, adjustments, and transfers. Use the filter function to narrow your search or export the details to Excel for safekeeping.

Invite Members

BoxHero allows multiple users to collaborate on inventory management. The free trial includes full access, so you can invite team members to test the features together.

Member Permissions

Get the Mobile App

Download the BoxHero mobile app from Google Play or the Apple App Store.

The data you enter in BoxHero during the free trial will not be deleted after the trial ends. You can continue using BoxHero for free through the Personal Plan, or upgrade to the Business Plan to use premium features.

Last updated